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Wonderfully Made


Such is the uniqueness, that you were specifically designed with a valuable purpose in mind. Yet the totality of your experiences thus far, may have included instances that lead to a less realised sense of self.

As the Lords masterpiece, you were not created to be anyone else, but you!  There is not any other person upon this earth who has been assigned such a splendid role, you can choose to own that! The Lord is seeking to lavish his Sovereign agape love upon his beloved child, to the recognition of your intrinsic value and self worth.

It is time to awaken spiritual eyes, in the light that you are more than your external appearance. At the core, you are a blessed soul, the vehicle you came in allows you to gain experience in a physical sense upon the earth. Yet you are a living vessel with a divine assignment that the Lord would seek for you to fulfil for his divine glory.

Your perspective on how you view both yourself and others can be revised and transformed. Look through the windows of the soul and capture beauty at the heart, beyond the facade. You can reclaim your spiritual heritage as well as reestablish your identity in Christ. Even if a person focuses on the outward appearance, the Lord embraces the heart.

As you have gone through this journey, various sources of influence have impacted and shaped your world to varying degrees. You now however can make conscious and deliberate choices as to what you choose to include in your daily reality. Television programmes, social media, books, the individuals you surround yourself with, each play a role regarding influence. You can decide to focus on and include the sources of influence that are shaping your world for the better, that are in alignment with your core values and edify you as a person. Time itself is precious and where you choose to invest your time and how, will reveal what you value or hold as a priority.

Retrospectively, you can choose to regard your former experiences in a different light. Instances of rejection can now be reinterpreted as redirection to something better. Unwholesome words that were spoken that sought to negate your self worth or target your identity can now be regarded as contrary to the word of the Lord. People should be permitted to have for example romantic preferences if they so choose, in which it is okay to not be someone’s type. If you are a single in waiting for your God ordained for example, that person specifically will be attracted to you when you meet in the Lord’s time. Hidden gems should continue to embrace being hidden, for they are not worth it!

Embrace how the Lord views you and align your personal viewpoint with that. You are more than your reflection in the mirror, that is external, yet your internal spirit requires daily nourishment. Only the Lord can fill current voids and search the root cause to unresolved concerns.

The Lord’s blessed grace is not vase upon works, in graceful humility, such grace can be accepted and received. If you look beyond the natural, which is equally as applicable to all areas of life, spiritual awareness can be enhanced. There may need to be chains broken, deliverance received, spirits of jealousy for instance removed, to take a person beyond any forms of inadequacy.

In relation to existing voids, the flesh is never satisfied, which can be manifested in various ways. Take, for example, the person who sets out to have one surgical procedure to ‘correct’ their appearance, which then leads to several more and several more procedures thereafter. The external changes can never make up for internal dissatisfaction.

People can choose to adorn their exterior in many ways and also for many reasons. When there is true inner confidence, a person may choose to adorn themselves within reason, yet simultaneously appreciate themselves with or without such adornments. If self worth has been plummeted to a low level a person may make use of excessive adornment or wear a daily mask, whilst never choosing to reveal their authentic display. They may decide for example, that make-up is a beyond a necessity and to use it as a 24 hour lifeline, only removing it when alone.

Instances of past hurts may have lead to a distorted viewpoint of who they are in relation to their identity. For some the object of their day may be to fixate on airbrushed magazine images, whereby they allow social media to dictate the standard of measure in the relation to beauty. With social media, people can at will select the photos they want you to see, presenting their good days to illustrate a seemingly perfect life.

A person can have a healthy relationship with external items of adornment, such as make-up. It only becomes unhealthy when it has become a fixed dependency, whereby they cannot in any instances live without the use of it.

The beauty of life is that we can be transformed from the inside out if we are able to willing. People can additionally take practical steps in their everyday lives to acknowledge her authentic selves, such as embracing natural hair textures, allowing their skin to breath for a while and the like.

Across the board, you will very likely attract who you are, so the ability to exude true self confidence and a graceful assurance of your identity are great qualities to have as well as attract. Vibrationally, others can pick up in essence how a person feels about themselves. If you are a single person in waiting for your God ordained, that person will be able to appreciate you not merely physically but also spiritually. They would therefore be drawn and attracted to your soul. There may be less recognition of who you are if you are concealed beneath twenty layers of make-up, with additions of all kinds over your authentic self. A person who seeks romance by way of objectification, who is only interested physically, may not appreciate the soul within. Guard your heart against who as well as what is not for you.

At times the Lord may need to take a person, personally through a process and strip back non essentials and reestablish their connection with him.

Let the Lord realign your thought patterns, in coherence with his word. Very the exclusive gem that you are, uncommon, original and unique by design.




Posted in Blog, Songs, Songwriter


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The song entitled “Imagine” explores the concept of going beyond previous limitations and past experiences. The presence of beliefs that are limited in nature or narrow perspectives are drawn closer to the light. Such a concept is applicable to all areas of life, including relationships, romance, career, education, personal development, finance, and more.

The underlying notion is the ability as well as the possibility of creating a new picture each day, upon the blank canvas of life. Whilst embracing newly created visions, an individual can recognise that their future is not limited by their past. Change is an all-embracing constant, which is as equally applicable to the varying facets of life. Life comprises ever-varying forms of energy, in every flicker of every moment, change is in natural occurrence. With changing seasons, vibrating particles, an expanding universe and ever-changing forms, change is within us as well as all around us.

It is equally about raising a personal level of consciousness pertaining to perceived illusions, that have lead to a number of individuals living by way of a limited experience, far below their true desires.

In the arena of romance, a person may have a vivid recollection of hurtful memories of unfaithfulness, rejection, abuse of the various forms or have experiences relating to mistrust. With such degrees of complexity, greater simplicity can be established when going to the root of unresolved matters. For merely clipping away at the visible branches does not get to the heart of the matter. Initially seeds would have been sown that need to be identified, so as to assist with discontinuing repeated patterns.

In light of the main concept, to imagine, in such an arena, may be imagining a wholesome relationship with a caring person who bears wholesome fruit, in spite of experiencing past relationships to the contrary. To imagine meeting a potential partner who has a genuine interest and recognises the priceless value in you, in spite of a history of rejection.

To take off the limits of the progress that can be made in your career, is also to appreciate the potential that can be maximised. To imagine possible career prospects even when limiting opinions from others, said otherwise. In this manner it is about removing the limiting beliefs of what you can become! Taking one’s imagination beyond stereotypical viewpoints, pigeon holed boxes and limiting labels. There may be hidden gifts and abilities that have yet to come to light or be released unto the world…………………………..

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Timing of the Season

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Timing of the Season is a song of appreciation about the season of singleness. This developmental season granted by the Heavenly Father provides a wealth of opportunity for growth, wisdom, gratitude and personal development. In such a valuable time as this, you can furthermore dedicate portions of solitude with the Heavenly Father and embrace a personal relationship with him.

It is less wise to try and bypass this season, in an effort to rush ahead of his plans. For the Lord is already aware of his divine will for your life, as well as the very purpose you were created for. When he desires a season of marriage unto a person, he will orchestrate events in accordance with his divine timing.

In our human nature, although his ways may not be our ways, or his schedule may not match to our own, he is very well aware of his best for you. He is the ultimate matchmaker! You may well have formulated your list of wants, yet he has within the essence of his blueprint, a knowledgeable list of your needs.

It may appear favourable to imagine a relationship with a person who is similar to yourself, however total similarity will not stretch you, grow you, nor change you. In order to draw more greatness out of you and minimise your weaknesses, he will have a person who possesses essential differences. Yet in the midst of such a union, that is in alignment with his perfect or even permissive will, he will additionally provide you with the wisdom and strength to overcome challenges that may arise between you. For in his permissive will, a person would have found a partner who is saved, who is allowing God to be at the centre of such a relationship, yet is not God’s original intended choice that he had in mind. Within his perfect will however, a person has actually found the very person that God had intended for them, as his best. So are you ready to prepare yourself for the person that God has for you, than to settle for less?

The Lord has granted the free will of choice, yet he has additionally blessed us with the Holy Spirit to assist us with spiritual discernment. The Lord who has given us the essential gift of life, desires for you to have this and more abundantly so.

His best for you is there to edify you, build you up and complement the person he created you to be. The Lord himself is your source, who can fill you up daily, yet a spouse can be provided in addition to all that you already have.

To be joyful single allows for being joyful whilst married. To be miserable single, in the same manner allows for being miserable whilst married. Choose to take the perspective that you are willing to carry forward and be expressed within any forthcoming season. Let goodness follow you, blessed gratitude, in addition to an appreciation of the present moment.

The entirety of our experiences upon this earthly plane, including accumulated possessions are temporary in nature. Yet the Heavenly Father’s unconditional love is eternal and his glory everlasting.

When the Lord has called you unto himself and has set you apart, he also allows you to readjust your standard. There is no need to dwell on your ‘yesterdays’ or past errors. You can set a whole new standard of how you go about establishing your earthly mate.

You have the blessed choice of courting God’s way as distinct from the usual earthly dating. Such a courtship allows two people to choose non physical forms of intimacy, soulful conversation, appropriate boundaries and accountability.

There is no longer any need to give the enemy a foothold and you can allow the Lord to be your guide. If previously you allowed a romantic interest to spend time alone with no accountability, whereby they had free reign to go beyond godly boundaries, then you can now decide differently. In spite of fanciful words in your ear, a person’s actions over time will let you know more in relation to their character. You will come to know a tree by its fruit! Red flags that have been alerted from within are usually an indicator from the Holy Spirit that the person may not be the most suitable match.

Seek wise counsel during such a time, trust in your inner instincts and maintain your personal standards.

The Lord’s best would transpire to be a person who would invest in you and the relationship would be an important priority in their life. In time they would certainly present you to their family and close friends, for the person who is forever keeping you as a hidden secret is not a reflection of God’s best.

Choose to be authentic during your season of singleness as well as when embarking upon a worthwhile courtship. If the person cannot come to know the real you then how can an honourable relationship that has depth truly move forward with a destination to arrive. Twenty layers of make-up piled on may not be a reflection of the person they will come to see within a marital household when the make-up has to come off. Anyone can opt for the creation of a glamorous facade, yet it is crucial that the person can still identify your originality.

You are God’s masterpiece, made in his image, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made (psalm 139:14). Let your uniqueness shine through, there is no need to be a second class version of somebody else. When you upgrade your standard, those who didn’t have your best interest at heart, or care about your soul, may fall away, but keep moving forward – no turning back!

Go beyond being sick and tired of being sick and tired, set a new agenda with your Heavenly Father. For whom he brings together in marital union is for his glorification and is part of a bigger picture, more than any of us could fathom.

He is a father of purpose and order. Before Adam found Eve, he had – a purpose, a ministry to fulfil. As a female allow your Adam to find you, in alignment with divine order. Be in position, persevere with your God given purpose, in order that further blessings can fall into place.

At the outset of a courtship, both people are well aware of the purpose being marriage. In worldly dating however, people may or may not have such a shared goal or intention, proceeding on different pages. Some are testing the waters or are simply passing through. If you are a single parent, your children, of whom your future spouse should embrace, are gifts from the Lord.

A season of singleness carries so much to be embraced. The portions of time that you have for ‘me time’ and time with the Lord is undivided. Yet when entering the season of marriage, such time then becomes divided, for your spouse is now a priority. You both have a role to serve each other. It is less about ‘I’ and more about ‘we’. Building together, growing together in a blessed merge. As a female, you have the blessed time of practicing godly submission in different areas of your life. Within marriage a wife is also called to submit to her husband as unto the Lord (Eph 5:22). Embrace the concept of submission in a positive way. In the days of yesteryear, such a term may have been taken out of context or misinterpreted.

Choose to utilise this time of preparation, with marriage that comes with added responsibility, not as an idol, for who of us should know the forthcoming times and dates of his divine plans.

Whatever season the Lord grants unto you, embrace the very gift of life, capture joy in each day. Be interested, there are many causes and concerns happening worldwide and you can be instrumental as a living vessel in assisting with the solution. Go and explore, travel to interesting locations whether near or far, this will give you even more experience to share with a future spouse. Be intentional, be sensational, be authentic, you are irreplaceable!

Written by Geraldine Taylor ©️


Posted in Blog, Social Network, Songs, Songwriter

To Live By Faith

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What if you were required to place your trust in that which you could not see? What if you had come to the crossroads between the known and the unknown?

The song entitled “To Live By Faith” captures the essence of stepping out in faith and moving forward in the direction of your dreams. For it is the kind of faith that will at times be tested, in order to be strengthened and steadfast.

Retrospectively your previous roles were actually training ground along with the acquisition of transitional skills, for your purposed role to come. So if you had experience in a routine 9 to 5 that was not necessarily befitting with your true purpose, the role still carried valuable lessons. In order to lead it would have been useful to first grasp the art of following. There is fertile ground in which to develop organisational skills, multitasking skills, social interaction, time management, discipline, and the like.

After years of trial and error with a series of previous career choices, you have established simplicity and clarity of your exact purpose, to accomplish here on Earth. When you are in the season of knowing with mind, body, and soul that you are no longer emotionally invested in the job where you checked in, went through the motions and checked back out, day after day!

For such a time as this, it is actually a time for bold decision, with the unfolding of strategic action. Even beyond paying attention to your instincts is the call to obedience. For on the other side of both your obedience and faith are the inspirational ramifications and blessings that others are able to benefit from in relation to your unique gifting.

That song or book that has been laid on your heart to write of times ago could be the difference someone else will need when they feel as though their journey cannot go on. The role you go on to fulfill could be the difference a young person needs to re-establish purpose and direction in an unstable environment.

The justification of excuses or continued procrastination only keeps you further from establishing change.

The appreciation of the constitution of energy also highlights that which is nonphysical. You may be at times fixated on the natural, yet the supernatural exists all around us……. Read the rest of the article at: